LIHU‘E — The County Housing Agency will hold a public hearing on Monday, Nov. 30, on proposed rules and regulations governing the certification of affordable Additional Rental Units.
County Councilmember Mason Chock said it’s an administration process so the council is not involved, however, he would like to say the council has done what they can to provide the ARU incentives.
“I’m glad to hear the housing department admin rules are finally being advanced, as there have been many residents patiently waiting for the incentives to be implemented,” Chock said.
The public hearing will take place at 9 a.m. via the Microsoft Teams audio and video teleconferencing platform.
The CHA is proposing to adopt rules and regulations for the purpose of establishing the requirements and procedures for owners to certify ARUs as affordable in order to qualify for various permit waivers, usage-fee waivers and subsidies, as provided for in the Kaua‘i County Code.
The proposed rules and a full copy of the public-hearing notice are available on the CHA website,
“Hearing the needs and ideas of our citizens is a valuable part of creating appropriate solutions,” Councilmember Felicia Cowden said.
Councilmember KipuKai Kuali‘i echoed Cowden’s thoughts.
“I hope folks will send in their testimony regarding our ARU-certification process that will enable folks to qualify for fee waivers and subsidies,” Kuali‘i said. “This is just one of the ways our county is working to bring about more affordable rentals.”
Testimony may be submitted any time up to and including the date of the public hearing, or at the hearing itself.
Anyone interested in providing oral testimony by video teleconference must register with the CHA at least one hour prior to the hearing by sending an email to or by calling 241-4444, and providing name, phone number and email address.
A link to the video teleconference will be emailed following registration. Advance registration is not required for those wishing to participate by audio conference only.
Written testimony may be submitted to the CHA by email to; by facsimile to 241-5118; or by mail to the CHA, 4444 Rice St., Suite 330, Lihu‘e, HI 96766.
Anyone needing auxiliary aids or services or other accommodations due to a disability should contact the CHA at 241-4444 or as soon as possible.
Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill requests.
Stephanie Shinno, features, education, business and community reporter, can be reached at 245-0424 or