Letters for Sunday, November 1, 2020
Let’s see who shows up
Let’s see who shows up
Alright Kimo, just how many quarts of Trump cult Kool-Aid are you drinking per day?
So the mainstream media has bias and hatred for Trump? Well to a fair degree, probably so. After all, the me-me, lying little-boy president only cares about himself, doesn’t like facts, logic, honesty and certainly won’t stay on subject. Everything that comes out of his mouth is misinformation and pandering to his base, which are only pawns to him. The town-hall that you and Trump whine about wasn’t for the moderator to lob soft tennis balls, it was to scream fast baseballs in the strike zone, and he couldn’t hit them.
So let’s go to FoxFixed News and see if there’s any fairness. A great deal of the time between Carlson and Hannity it’s a lovefest. To Fox’s credit, once in a while someone with backbone and integrity punches Trump in the gut and he whines and lashes out like a littleboy, which he is.
OK let’s talk about the Nobel Peace Prize. In Biden’s town-hall he did give credit to Trump’s brokering of peace between UAE and Israel. On the other hand, several years ago what did Trump do in light of a horrific murder of a journalist by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia? There was way too much money involved with armament contracts to be bothered with it. I think you have to look at the whole person for a Nobel Peace Prize. You did write about a lot, and I’m not going to address everything. I will sign off with one more item.
Trump supporters waiting in the wings, probably.
As for Biden, suburban women, retired military officers, ex-administration officials, college-educated males and white males over the age of 65. Let’s see who shows up?
Mark Perry, Lihu‘e
Voter fraud a possibility here
An open letter to the Office of Elections
Would somebody please explain to me how the county/state/country is dealing with multiple ballots this year? And what exactly will prevent people from voting multiple times? One friend of mine received six (6!) ballots in the mail. What would happen if she were to submit all six of them? Thankfully, she is conservative and would NOT do that. She has a higher power to answer to — higher than the government, that is.
Personally, I received a mail-in ballot, and then I walked into the polls and voted in person. What if I mailed that ballot in and THEN voted in person? No one asked for my SS#. The entry clerk looked at my license but didn’t check my signature with the signature on my application.
What if I came back again and again, using my maiden name or first-marriage name? I have a record of voting in both of those names, and in my current married name. I would NOT do that either because, like my friend, I answer to a higher power. But I know there are plenty of unscrupulous people who would do anything to steal this election. What kind of system is set up to guarantee that it won’t be?
The staff, both employees and volunteers, were unable to give me a satisfactory answer. The man at the front entry went so far as to say that no one would do that on Kaua‘i. He is a naive one. With all the talk about “ballot harvesting” and “voting fraud” this year, one would think that there would be a fool-proof system to secure voting integrity. It shouldn’t be that hard on a small island like Kaua‘i, but no one seems to know how that will be achieved.
Please advise.
Janet Eisenbach, Kilauea
Florida results may help predict Tuesday’s winner
We are all eager to find out who is going to be our next president. However, 2016 showed that polls are not very helpful.
Florida is one of the few states that is releasing its vote count early. It is also a swing state, which means it is a good representation of the nation. One week ago (10/23), Biden had a lead of 427,000 votes in Florida. At one point on 10/30, Biden’s lead was down to 115,000. Election-day voting is also expected to go Trump’s way, as it did in 2016. Using the estimated remaining votes and the current trends, Trump will win Florida by around 220,000. This is better than his 113,000-vote win four years ago.
At this point, Biden seems to have a very-slim chance of holding a lead in Florida. However, Biden does not need Florida to win. Trump won three other swing states by smaller margins than Florida last time: Pennsylvania (by 0.7%), Wisconsin (by 0.7%), and Michigan (by 0.3%). If Biden picks up all three of these states and the other states stay the same as 2016, Biden would win.
However, some of the best data we have right now is these real voting results in Florida. This data indicates that President Trump is now doing even better than he did in 2016.
Mark Beeksma, Koloa
Civility begins at home
Gary Hooser’s whiney missive of Oct. 28 was so typical. Every Wednesday we are bombarded with his left-wing, progressive view of the how the world should be according to Gary Hooser.
While I do not agree with the use of profanity in an email, calling him a Democrat, socialist or even communistic is totally accurate, based upon his writings. His calls for a progressive destruction and overhaul of our way of life surely fits the bill. People of his political persuasion have gleefully called those with conservative views “white supremacists,” “racists,” “xenophobes,” “homophobes,” “religious fanatics,” “Nazis,” “facists,” and applied any other negative name they can think of.
His call for civility is both amusing and hypocritical. He has called our president a litany of names over the past years. He has lambasted those who dared to have an opinion that differs from his. So, I have a suggestion for Mr. Hooser. Civility begins at home. Perhaps if you tempered your unbridled criticism and dismissal of those who disagree with you, and tell those of your political persuasion to stop the name-calling, then you have the right to ask for the same respect that you fail to offer to others.
It is difficult to have a respectful conversation with someone who calls you nasty names.
Until that happens, Gary, I suggest that you get a thicker skin. To quote the Bible, “you reap what you sow.”
Barry Dittler, Wailua
Some ideas for the undecided voter
If you’re a die hard and know who your man is for the presidency of the U.S., because you had already made up your mind, no reporters, reports, lies or truths, debates, newscasters, TV stations will ever change your mind. You had already made up your mind.
But if you’re the person who is undecided, maybe I can help you. You’re not indecisive, just confused, and let me try to make it simpler for you how not to be indecisive. I may be wrong or maybe not, but this would and could be a deciding factor for you.
First, you must gather all the facts from both sides and be truthful to yourself. Your indecision is because YOU ARE a Trump person. You love him, and you’d vote for him, and not Biden. Think about why you’re undecided. You want Trump, but by voting for him, it would mean another four years of the same thing and more. You don’t care for Biden, because he is not the man you want to be the president. Only Trump. So let me post some of the things that may or may not help you.
If you believe that whatever Trump is doing or had done already, like separating kids from their parents, trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, kissing up to Putin and the Russians, demeaning women and showing disrespect to them, destroying what our previous presidents have done to make America great for over 400 years, losing our NATO friends and our trusts from other countries plus making us the laughing stock of the world, cutting down our leaders but trusting Russia more and, above all, lie to the American people about everything, then, by all means, vote for Trump.
The main thing here is for you to make a choice, decide who you want, good or bad, right or wrong, VOTE. Make yourself known and be heard and make yourself be the difference. Whatever you do will decide who will be the POTUS.
So gather the facts, but be truthful to yourself, but VOTE.
Ray Domingo, Lihu‘e