Happy Camper for Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Shades of Melinda Morey, background, come alive as an Aloha Dance Studio skeleton performs during Freaky Friday at Kukui Grove Center, where zombies make an appearance this week.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Seth Thomas celebrates with team members Melinda Morey, Schianne Schorr Inman and Caitlin Fregosi on the completion of NirManaFest 2020 Saturday in front of the panel created by the team of Kaplan Bunch and Dave Flores.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The roots of the rainbow are where? Its color pierces the golden skies Monday during a lull between the thunderstorm and showers in Lihu‘e.

Tommy Rita (he got too excited for their Monday morning coffee at the Kukui Grove Center food court…nice conversation about the Patriots) was lucky Eric Rita (he’s waiting for basketball to start up again) was cruising the parking lot and found the keys.

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