Virtually hike Kalalau Trail

Photo submitted by Med Dyer

The chopper is a model of the actual rescue chopper that the Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources uses in the Kalalau first-person video game. This can be seen around mile-marker 1.8 in the game.

Photo courtesy of Med Dyer

This screen shot provides the descent to Hanakap’ai Beach of the Kalalau Trail. This is one of the most dangerous parts of the trail as the the warning sign suggests.

Photo courtesy of Med Dyer

This screen shot of the video game provide a classic trail view, Red Hill, around mile-marker 9.5, looks down at Kalalau, with its famous welcome sign.

LIHU‘E — Some of Med Dyer’s goals while designing his second video game rendition of the Kalalau Trail were inspired by accessibility and his passion for the trail itself.