State Rep. Dee Morikawa, state Senate President Ron Kouchi and wife JoyKouchi and state Rep. James Tokioka all got the “Safe” message after having their temperatures checked with the new scanner during their visit to Wilcox Medical Center Monday. State Rep. Nadine Nakamura came in through another entrance because she lacked visitor identification. The Kaua‘i legislative team brought over some momentos from the recent Hawai‘i National Guard Health Care Heroes flyover.
State Rep. Dee Morikawa, state Senate President Ron Kouchi and wife JoyKouchi and state Rep. James Tokioka all got the “Safe” message after having their temperatures checked with the new scanner during their visit to Wilcox Medical Center Monday. State Rep. Nadine Nakamura came in through another entrance because she lacked visitor identification. The Kaua‘i legislative team brought over some momentos from the recent Hawai‘i National Guard Health Care Heroes flyover.
Melissa McFerrin-Warrack is switching gears from Back to School to the Koloa Plantation Days (Julie Souza — she was helping with the St. Raphael’s food distribution, last week — said the one millionth Tree of Aloha planted by former First Lady Jean Ariyoshi is in full bloom right now). Former Gov. George Ariyoshi got to ride the Grove Farm locomotive Paulo during that year’s Koloa Plantation Days parade celebrating 150 years of sugar.
Koloa Plantation Days should be very interesting considering the COVID-19 that controls all kinds of events with face masks, social distancing and other health and safety guidelines. Melissa said Dickie Chang and Dr. Robert Zelchovsky are working hard creating a bunch of “virtual” events along with Ada Koene (haven’t seen her at the Wednesday or Saturday markets for a while).
OK, it’s Wednesday. Time to check out that Kapa‘a Sunshine Market that goes back to its traditional start time of 3 p.m. But it’s still located at Kapa‘a Beach Park. Too bad the Matcha-ya tea shop is closed on Wednesdays. That Japanese snow shave ice sounds like the perfect way to beat the heat.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or
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