Happy Camper for Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Annika Newton and her mom Aletha Thomas Newton enjoy a quiet Monday afternoon lull in the Monkeypod Jam Lawa‘i facility where the beehive of activities take place.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Pietro’s Pizza ‘ohana, from left Il Yum, Pastor Tom Iannucci, April Villa Gomes, Thomas Iannucci and Ted Lee, get ready to push out pizza for residents in the ‘Ele‘ele public housing complex Monday afternoon.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

‘Aina Makua was one of the first to get the Pietro’s Pizza straight out of the trailer-able oven Monday when Pastor Tom Iannucci and his ‘ohana visited the ‘Ele‘ele public housing project with pizza on the spot.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Pastor Tom Iannucci shovels out the first of many pizzas Monday afternoon at the ‘Ele‘ele public housing project, where the Pietro’s ‘ohana fed residents in the neighborhood.

Monday was filled with aloha when Aletha Thomas of Monkeypod Jam got community-supported agriculture produce box orders.