Thanks to the KPD
I want to tell our Kauai police that with what is going on, that I myself and I think that most people that live here and those who visit think that you guys are pretty cool.
That was a period in case you did notice!
“Super Dave” Olson, Princeville
Concerned about reopening Kaua‘i to travelers
Personally, I would feel a lot safer about opening up Kaua‘i to travelers in August if our own residents were following safe practices, i.e., practicing social distance and mask-wearing versus protesting and balking at restrictions pretending that COVID-19 is not real, as our cases slowly-but-surely increase and are both community spread and travel based.
Kaua’i is indeed a very special place that deserves to be protected and this is our chance to rise above the Covidiot mentality demonstrated by so much of the mainland — let’s set the example and be the change and do this right with common sense and aloha.
Petrina Blakely, Princeville
Maskless? For Shame!
What is with the couple who were shopping at Safeway yesterday…Saturday….without a face mask !!!
They should be ashamed of themselves.
Richard Porto, Princeville