My friend Father Thomas Keating, Abbot of St. Joeseph’s Abbey, Spencer, MA, who practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM), and lived to be 95, believed in what Lord Christ said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” and, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else shall be added unto thee.”
Physicians and nurses battling the Covid virus are adopting TM to significantly reduce stress and burn out. Many people want stronger immune systems, less stress, more happiness, and a stronger loving heart with the current pandemic. How does Tom Brady accomplish this? He practices Transcendental Meditation (TM) which only takes 20 minutes morning and evening. Joe Namath was practicing TM when he won the Superbowl.
Multiple medical research studies confirm TM meditators have the lowest rates of hospitalizations for all disease categories, including infectious diseases, compared to controls. This research indicates that happiness from within from TM makes a stronger immune system. Never the less everyone needs to take precautions like wearing face masks and practicing social distancing while shopping.
TM research has been conducted at Harvard Medical School, Yale Medical School, University of Virginia Medical School, University of Michigan Medical School, University of Chicago Medical School, University of Southern California Medical School, UCLA Medical School, UCSF Medical School, Stanford Medical School, etc.
Some people are depressed now. Over 400 peer review research studies explain why TM is so good for preventing suicide for veterans with PTSD. TM creates restful alertness. The rest during TM is twice as deep as sleep giving deep release of stress and more rejuvenation than is possible from only sleeping. Comparative research shows the benefits from TM are 2 times as great as from mindfulness meditation. This is because neuroscience research proves the brain becomes more orderly (EEG coherent) during TM than during mindfulness. For suicidal veterans, starting with mindfulness is good, but switching to TM is twice as effective for preventing suicide. Diving deeper is more blissful.
In areas like New York City, doctors, nurses, first responders, and essential workers are exhausted. 20 minutes of restful alertness from TM is providing reduction from stress and gives a huge energy boost. When I was on the Dartmouth Nordic ski team and started TM, right away my running speed, racing up mountains for training, increased dramatically. I went from running at the back of the pack, to running second or third place, right away. How? From increased (EEG) brain integration and from the deeper rest from TM.
Neuroscience research by Dr. Fred Travis shows that the level of brain integration in world-class athletes is similar to that seen in individuals who had practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique for an average of seven years.
What about students who want to perform better academically, especially while school has transitioned to home learning by the internet?
Kaua‘i High School students can benefit from this: The journal Intelligence, 2001, “compared intelligence levels as measured with different tests and inventories (Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP); Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI); Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT); State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI); Inspection Time (IT); and Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT). It analyzed three studies on 362 high school students at three different schools in Taiwan. In conclusion, the scientists reported that regular practice of Transcendental Meditation produced significant effects on all variables compared to no-treatment controls.”
What about champion special education students? TM is taught to students all over the world. Special education student’s intelligence scores and academic grade point averages will go up effortlessly, from TM, numerous peer review studies prove. TM turns the light on from within. Grades go up when memory switches on brighter, and effortlessly, from TM. The Education Journal, 2013, reports a 21% increase in the high school graduation rate for TM students. The same journal, 2011, reports a 10% improvement in test scores and GPA for TM students. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2003, reports increased attendance and decreased suspensions for TM high school students. Mind and Brain: the Journal of Psychiatry, 2011, reports reduced ADHD symptoms and reduced symptoms of learning disorders for TM students. The American Journal of Hypertension, 2009, reports TM students have a 40% reduction in psychological distress, including stress, anxiety, and depression.
Kaua‘i valedictorians. It is wiser to learn TM, because when you go to top schools, like Ivy League schools, the work becomes much more challenging. Research confirms adding TM will reduce your stress and increase your intelligence and moral reasoning scores even higher. You may become the scientists finding medical cures to future pandemics?
TM is a scientific technology of the physics unified field of nature, the omnipresent, invincible intelligence which governs the universe.
This unified field has been discovered by physicists like super string physicist Dr. Brian Green and quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin. About 20 peer review studies show when only 1% of a city, state, or nation practices TM, the crime rate dramatically drops and the economy dramatically improves. This is because TM creates a quantum field effect in physics. It is like the rising sun spreading its rays and creating health and happiness everywhere. The order and love from TM spreads silently, like gentle flowing ocean waves, to other people.
Father Thomas could have explained how the scientific Transcendental Meditation technology can make you happier, healthier, and smarter, much better than I have.
Will Davis is a resident of Lihu‘e.