Families try disk golf at Kukuiolono Park

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Isaiah Puni follows his approach shot, Sunday while disc golfers arrive for the disc golf round that was part of ‘Ohana Day at the Kukuiolono Park golf course.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Noah Puni uses the whole-body approach to his short game, Sunday during ‘Ohana Day where a round of disc golf was offered.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Disc golfers Elijah Aasand, Gregory Gonzales and Tony Gonzales wait for the start of the disc golf round, Sunday during ‘Ohana Day at the Kukuiolono Park golf course.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Chad Puni checks out the Hurricane discs and Robert Medeiros cruises by, Sunday while Phil Worwa explains the specialty discs to a golfer during the ‘Ohana Day festivities at the Kukuiolono Park golf course.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

A disc golfer works on her short game while waiting on the start of the disc golf round, Sunday during the ‘Ohana Day festivities at the Kukuiolono Park golf course.

KUKUIOLONO — A round of disc golf was just one part of the ‘Ohana Day special events for Father’s Day at the Kukuiolono Park golf course where a good crowd took advantage of discounted special pricing for play on the Kuks Mini Golf course and disc golf.