Happy Camper for Monday, June 8, 2020

The Valenciano ‘ohana said Kelvin Moniz of the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank had to come to the food distribution Saturday because he’s a Kaumakani boy, and Pua Kaohelauli‘i did not have her state Department of Health sidekicks helping her when she volunteered “to take care of her community — Kaumakani and Pakala.”
Kudos to the ‘ohana of Placido and Marie Valenciano on doing the distribution in the Aloha Sweet Delights parking lot (yes, I remember that little church in the canefield, too) where Panny Machado of Hair Fanatics, Salon No. 2, used her in-shop refrigerator to help keep Alice Fontanilla’s “good stuff” cool until her ride arrived to pick her up. Placido Jr. was using the event as a workout, and mahalo, Michelle Valenciano, for providing data on the nearly 700 people who got food from the effort coordinated by Crystal Rowe, who said it was time to get off the ‘okole.
Meanwhile, Eric Rita is still waiting to be called back to work, so found some goodies, including a big watermelon, for his garden. What was that pickled thing that stays crunchy? Also at the Puhi Park Produce, Daryl Dobashi was doing his weekly run-through before checking out the Black Lives Matter rally (kudos to Tiffany Sagucio and her committee on a great effort). Yes, Isobel Storch, got to see Bryna and Florence Toyofuku. Wasn’t that too many people, Flo?) And Kenny Ishii was picking up his weekly stock.
Kudos to Rose Anne Jones and Abigail Boroughs on a great virtual walk-through (Rose Anne said after you do one, you get good at it, although you still need to figure out which button does what) for the Kaua‘i Society of Artists’ second edition of the Washed Up Marine Debris Art show that opens from 10 a.m. today, World Oceans Day.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.