ANAHOLA — The state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through contractor Goodfellow Bros. LLC, will begin the first phase in the construction of remediation improvements to DHHL-managed reservoirs in Anahola, on Monday, June 1.
ANAHOLA — The state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, through contractor Goodfellow Bros. LLC, will begin the first phase in the construction of remediation improvements to DHHL-managed reservoirs in Anahola, on Monday, June 1.
The DHHL hs four reservoirs in Anahola that are regulated under the Hawai‘i Dam and Reservoir Safety Act of 2007, and one unregulated reservoir.
The reservoirs belong to a larger irrigation system previously operated by area plantations.
“I am pleased that the state Legislature appropriated nearly $3,000,000 to make these necessary repairs for the health and safety of our beneficiaries and the general public,” said DHHL and Hawaiian Homes Commission Chairman William J. Aila Jr.
Phase 1 construction will begin with the Lower Anahola Reservoir and the Kealia Field 2 Reservoir.
During the project’s initial phase, this area will undergo the demolition of the makai reservoir faces to allow storm water to flow through unimpeded.
Phase 2 of construction will involve improvements to the Upper Anahola Reservoir and the Kealia Field 1 Reservoir.
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