Reopen churches this weekend
Aloha Lt. Gov. Josh Green.
I want to thank you for allowing us to call and/or text you when you gave your cell number over the radio earlier this month when you were on Kaua‘i’s KKCR radio. The two times I texted you, you were “johnny on the spot” responding. Thank you.
I’m writing to encourage you to do all you can, as I’m sure you are, to allow our churches to reopen this weekend. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but the churches should have never been closed, especially this long.
If Costco is essential, then so is the church. It was a very direct assault on the church, and in my opinion was an assault of the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. If WalMart, Costco, Foodland, Safeway, Times and Big Save grocery stores know how to remain open, following safe, social-distancing measures and regulations, then why not small businesses and churches?
Aren’t they the very same people who performed safe, social-distancing measures and regulations at the aforementioned places of business? Do not these very same people attend churches and synagogues? It didn’t make sense that they could perform the government safety measures at a place of business, but not at a place of worship.
That being said, please do your best to restore people their right to worship God this weekend, while continuing to practice safe measures and regulation regarding COVID-19.
I hope others will do the same in writing to you regarding our churches and synagogues
God bless, and thank you for your service to our state and island of Kaua‘i.
Steve Yoder, Kapa‘a
It’s essential that people have access to food. Who or what is preventing you from worshipping from your home? You’re being inconvenienced, not oppressed. Learn the difference. Is it really necessary or “essential” to sit in a pew and have someone tell you what to believe? I think not. Remember, Gods everywhere, so don’t worry, he/she will hear your prayers. Read your Bible and keep the faith.
Steve..have you been living under a rock? Remember the pastor and several members of congregation getting Covid from church service. Singing spews the droplets of a covid carrier many feet, more than 6. Are you willing to place your members in danger for the donations to the church? Shameful!
One goes to Costco to shop and shop only these days. Attending church is for fellowship which is a whole different parameter of behavior. If one wears a mask the whole time in church and other safety precautions observed then go for it. If you want food you have to go somewhere but last time I checked God is supposed to be everywhere.
The imaginary man in the sky believers deserve a break. As long as they use precautions let them do whatever it is they do.
Church isn’t essential. I choose not to go to church but pretty much don’t have any choice but to go to a grocery store to buy food. If you catch the virus from church then spread it to the grocery store, you’re endangering me and my family.
C’mon Steve, you’re the head trumper on our Rock. You’re just falling in line. Go ahead and PTL, but do it at home. Thanks
What part of ZERO cases of CV-19 for 6 weeks do you people not comprehend? Who are these people on our island who are going to infect us? Right now you have a higher risk of death from a centipede sting. Do you really want to wear masks for the rest of your lives just in case. Dr. Fauci stated Friday that wearing a mask could be risky for a healthy person and that we should get outside. I find it ironic that “An Akamai Guy” would think “have someone tell you what to believe?” yet he is perfectly willing to have the government tell him what to believe. Stop living in fear and start living again.
If you get sick engaging in behavior where you are not practicing social distancing measures and not wearing masks, then DO NOT GO TO A MEDICAL FACILITY SEEKING HELP. Go home, isolate yourself, and ride out the illness to whatever end. But you don’t have the right to potentially infect others. Your “first amendment rights” do not supercede the UNALIENABLE right to LIFE that is the very first right spoken of in the Founding documents. So, if you insist on playing this “rights” game, just be aware that everyone else also have rights which can not be trampled upon. YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Mr. Mann, if you get sick because you constantly wear a mask which recirculates and concentrates your own viruses, bacteria and carbon dioxide levels, should we the people deny you access to medical facilities because of your behavior? Please include the rest of the first amendment that treats LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS as equal parts of the statement. Perhaps you should get up to speed on the latest findings about the hazards of healthy people wearing face masks.