You might not get your freedoms back
YouTube and Facebook delete material posted which questions the efficacy of vaccinations and the current government approach to the coronavirus outbreak.
Qualified experts who question the origin of the coronavirus are ignored and ridiculed. Experts who state that there is evidence that the virus was engineered in a laboratory are similarly ignored and ridiculed.
Qualified experts who have suggestions of how to contain an outbreak without inflicting lockdown on the entire population are ignored and ridiculed.
Experts who question the accuracy of testing for a coronavirus by testing for DNA sequencing alone are ignored and ridiculed.
Governments wildly exceed their constitutional rights in controlling an outbreak. Citizens who question this are ignored, ridiculed and suppressed.
Fear of an illness is greatly played upon so that populations will agree to government actions which ordinarily would be resisted.
Police actions exceed constitutional rights. For example, people are told to go home while sitting alone in their car at the beach.
Molly Jones, Kealia
‘Kaua‘i Passport’ proposed for visitors
Kaua‘i has done a remarkable job thus far with containing the spread of COVID-19. Kudos to Mayor Kawakami and his administration. Now that we are slowly starting to reopen businesses, a larger question remains. How will we restart our tourism business without jeopardizing all of our collective hard work to contain the virus?
Should we require a COVID-19 test of all persons entering Kaua‘i? A test could be required either prior to boarding the plane or at the Lihu‘e Airport, once a reliable test is available with a quick turn-around time. Entering guests with a current test could be allowed to enter Kaua‘i unrestricted. Those who fail the test or don’t have one would be subject to the existing 14-day quarantine.
In addition to requiring a test, why not issue a numbered “Kaua‘i Passport” and limit the number issued each month? It could be electronic on your phone or paper. We could determine how many tourists we want each month and only issue that number of Kaua‘i Passports. We could also charge a fee for the passport and use that money for testing and contact tracing.
For enforcement, all hotels and vacation rentals could require potential guests to provide their Kaua‘i Passport number when making a reservation. A quick check on a new secure Kaua‘i website could confirm for the potential host that a valid Kaua‘i Passport existed for that guest. A substantial fine could be levied for anyone hosting a guest without the required passport. Kaua‘i residents would be exempt from the passport requirement.
Herb Lee, Kalaheo
Kauai Passports? hahahahaha……That is funny….you are joking right?
I think you’re right about the ridiculed people talking about the coronavirus. If you look at the County Council and mayor, the fact is these people in office were never that bright. Now they’re in the public making decisions for the public. As well they should be made fun of. It is only the correct thing to do.
I feel like you have been making comments in a purposely simplistic vernacular for so long that I realize you are just getting your point across to the masses. Mind blown!!
Herb in case you have forgotten, in the US, which Kauai is a part of, citizens are allowed to travel freely. And this virus isn’t going away and Kauai isn’t going to beat it. All Kauai or Hawaii has done is prolong the inevitable.
Or delayed the issue until science can provide a vaccine thus saving many lives – all the while preventing the overrunning of the medical systems in the state.
Just like the flu vaccine? A virus that still causes hundreds of thousands of medical visits and averages 60k deaths or more yearly?
“…thus saving many lives”
Re: Letters ‘Kauai Passport Prosed for Visitors’ –
Herb, that is such an awesome idea. That way, businesses and restaurants could make visitors ‘show their papers’ before they could be allowed in. And to make sure you knew exactly who the visitors to the island were, you could make them wear some sort of symbol on their clothing, perhaps a sea turtle, or maybe a star or hey, a nice triangle. And if a visitor broke the rules, you could intern them in some kind of fencing near the airport until you decided what to do with them. It’s never been tried anywhere in the world before. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
“intern them”? I say put them to work!
One obvious problem with this “plan” is requiring testing for all visitors, but not testing residents who have left, then returned to Kauai. Are residents somehow immune from catching and bringing back COVID-19, to potentially infect others? This sounds like a continuation of the divisiveness, hatred, and prejudice that have catapulted to new heights during this pandemic.
Requiring a COVID-19 related passport for U.S. citizens to come to another U.S. state sounds exclusionary, at best. What is proposed sounds like going in the direction of Kauai seceding from the United States.
I think making visiting Kauai too difficult will ultimately have a devastating affect on the island’s economy & people.
I understand the importance of wearing masks, practicing hand washing/wearing protective gloves, and social distancing, to protect each other from this virus. There must be adequate quantities of PPE’S, VENTILATORS, etc.
Ultimately, we all want to remain healthy and COVID FREE. Let’s come together for the common best interest of all.
Molly Jones got it right. The mayor could have done thorough research and lockdown/suicides/PROBLEMS would be much less. Masks are a hazard at best. YEA Molly Jones
One obvious problem with this “plan” is requiring testing for all visitors, but not testing residents who have left, then returned to Kauai. Are residents somehow immune from catching and bringing back COVID-19, to potentially infect others? This sounds like a continuation of the divisiveness, hatred, and prejudice that have catapulted to new heights during this pandemic.
Requiring a COVID-19 related passport for U.S. citizens to come to another U.S. state sounds exclusionary, at best. What is proposed sounds like going in the direction of Kauai seceding from the United States.
I think making visiting Kauai too difficult will ultimately have a devastating affect on the island’s economy & people.
I understand the importance of wearing masks, practicing hand washing/wearing protective gloves, and social distancing, to protect each other from this virus. There must be adequate quantities of PPE’S, VENTILATORS, etc.
Ultimately, we all want to remain healthy and COVID FREE. Let’s come together for the common best interest of all.
Aloha Molly,
You do realize of course that the ‘experts’ you cite have been debunked by other experts. Your experts appear on news-entertainment channels to give their opinions. Listen instead to university and medical experts…those with actual degrees and training in their fields; you’ll hear why we need to take precautions. Aloha and stay safe.
Molly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones are not experts on anything except disinformation, extremely poor reasoning, and campaigning for Donald Trump.
“Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones are not experts”. Hmmm…must be something wrong with my screen; I’m not seeing where Molly included any of that as a point of discussion.
Why not a Kauai passport number necessary before an airline ticket can be purchased or proof of Hawaiian residency? As far as freedoms go what is the alternative? Ask the NYC medical about their freedoms during Covid19 or any first responder. People don’t want the govt telling them what to do but if they got sick then what? And you probably would have been spreading it since you don’t have a social distancing mindset to begin with. Believe me , I would be right out their with the rest if it looked like the contagion had passed but the regulations did not
I am far more concerned with the orange ones firing of IGs who have been investigating the administration!
“Ask the NYC medical about their freedoms during Covid19 or any first responder”. Did I miss something? Are we all indentured servants now? Was one of questions in their hiring interview something along the lines of, “How well do you deal with sick people?” Do you think their answer was something along the lines of, “I only want to be a ‘first responder’ for people that don’t need a ‘first responder'”?
Sweden never locked their country down at all and their rate of death from Covid is 228 per million; much higher than the rate in the US which is 176. So Molly, this was tried and it failed. In Hawaii, this rate is only 24 per million- ten times lower than Sweden. Facts.
Uncleaina, the difference between the death rate of Sweden and that of the United States is 228-176 or 52. When you divide 1,000,000 by 52 your percent increased chance of dying is .0052% (read very, very low). The difference in social and economic lifestyle between the two countries is HUGE. One is incurring lock down related economic and social collapse and the other enjoys life as usual with a slightly higher risk of dying. Unfortunately, in the USA we don’t have that choice as our politicians have made this a political football for their own self serving interests. God help us!
The 52 is already per million, why are you dividing again? Just to make numbers fit your narrative? And it’s a difference of 52, not the actual number.
And again, that’s out of the entire population, not just those infected. The death rate should actually be counted by looking at the total number of RECOVERED cases plus the number of deaths (not the still active cases for which there is not yet an outcome). Now divide the deaths by the total outcomes and you get a death rate much higher.
I think the passport is a great idea, along with controlling the numbers of tourists who come here (especially at first). Look at what the new reservation system at Ke’e beach has done, what a great experience it is to go there after the new system was put in place!!
“In addition to requiring a test, why not issue a numbered “Kaua‘i Passport” and limit the number issued each month? It could be electronic on your phone or paper. We could determine how many tourists we want each month and only issue that number of Kaua‘i Passports.”
Geez Herb, what perfectly unconstitutional, tyrannical nonsense. In case you’ve forgotten, in America there can be no legitimate interference with an individual’s right to move about the country freely. Hawaii is, whether you like it or not, a STATE and therefore subject to the ultimate law–the US constitution which prohibits interference with inter-state travel.
Sadly, you and others seem more inclined towards a fascist society.
Molly understands the issue clearly.
Colin McCleod
Herb, your getting close to a solution. You might consider the civil rights of others.
I would consider keeping the current 14 day quarantine or an all clear test prior to arriving. Let the visitors, or residents, pay for it. Iceland is open to tourism June 15 with that policy.
Kauai is living on handouts for the time being. We need to make a move.
In response to Herb Lee’s suggestion, this state is part of the United States of America and as such the restriction of interstate movement cannot legally be legislated by a state of local government. There already exist public health regulations to address transmission and prevention of disease without the measures you suggest. I hope that our county and state governments seriously consider the full legalities of the plans for return to daily life in every area.I prefer Molly Jones’ concerned expressed above.
Patrick H Flores, Wailua Houselots.
Us regular (and respectful of Kauai and residents) Kauai visitors already have a Kauai Passport when we are visiting. It’s the clearly marked rental car. Pretty hard to miss, even to regular visitors!
If you are referring to this…
“Qualified experts who have suggestions of how to contain an outbreak without inflicting lockdown on the entire population are ignored and ridiculed.”
The point still stands. There hasn’t been a serious discussion as to whether a lockdown is THE ONLY or even THE BEST way to contain an outbreak. Molly isn’t arguing that a lockdown doesn’t work. The argument is that anyone who suggests lockdown was not the only solution is immediately dismissed…we don’t even want to hear the suggestions…and this will make you pull your hair out; President Donald Trump is just as guilty of this as you are! You and he are on the same side of this argument! Arrrggghh! I bet you break out in cold sweat when someone suggests that you and Trump are on the same side! Haven’t you heard him say, we took this route, shutting down our economy, the greatest economy in the world, greatest ever even, but others took a different approach, and, I gotta say, some are saying, and it’s looking like, not too good for them, it’s bad, not very good at all. Lots of, you know what I mean. (I admit I gotta work on channeling my inner DT)
I won’t argue with your numbers. They are…close enough. But without context your comparison in meaningless and misleading. Neither the US nor Sweden are through with this virus yet so it’s too early to use the death metric as the only measure of success or failure.
My numbers are “close enough” to prove the idea that social distancing was effective. And besides complaining like children, the anti-lockdown advocates can only cite Sweden as how they wish we had done things. It’s not too soon to say that Sweden has a much higher rate. Both countries have been infected approximately the same length of time- so it’s reasonable. Will we have to wait until the pandemic is over to assess the final numbers – but hard to see how Hawai’is rate will increase by 24 fold. If 24 fold more Hawaiian had died we’d have 400 dead instead of 17 in our state. Those 350+ NON dead people are very happy with what we did. Some of them probably even thought this was a hoax, and now some never got infected and could even be in the comments section instead of the ICU.
“Will we have to wait until the pandemic is over to assess the final numbers”. We agree on this point. This is what I was respectfully saying.
“Those 350+ NON dead people are very happy with what we did”. Name them. Then ask them if there is more to life than avoiding death.
I think the “Kauai Passport” is a FANTASTIC idea. I’m a little concerned that it would be too easy to fake one so I have a few suggestions: print them on light blue paper, card stock preferred, about 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches (we can get two out of an 8.5 x 11″ piece, very efficient), have it stamped in three places with a date or something, at least one stamp needs to be red in color, the other two can be black, and right in the middle of it put one of the shiny gold KPD Junior Officer stickers. The thing that will make it REALLY official is to have Michael Dahilig’s signature with a fat sharpie pen at the bottom. Nobody gonna fake that! Department of Planning can issue them on Mondays and Fridays between 10am and noon. We can tape them to the tourists sunglasses or hat brim with blue painters tape, easy to remove. It might make it hard to see where they are going at first, but they will get used to it. Oh. My Gosh! Now that I think about it, I just described the first North Shore convoy passes, which is awesome because that system was HUGELY popular!!
Oh gosh, Molly! There is only one thing for you to do about this. Quick – run and hide under your bed until we let you know that it’s safe to come out again!
It’s an RNA virus, not DNA. There are no experts who claim the corona Virus was engineered in a lab. Experts say it was not. Experts say do no surpass you individual credulity. Credulity?
“YouTube and Facebook delete material posted which questions the efficacy of vaccinations and the current government approach to the coronavirus outbreak.”
Molly, you do realize why they’re posting, and getting deleted, on YouTube and Facebook right? Those are the only media platforms they can potentially garner attention. I’ve seen some outrageous stuff ‘shared’ from YouTube, and when you Google their names you’ll see they’ve all been previously discredited because of their outlandish claims, and conspiracy theories. The good news is they either weren’t born, or too young to have a voice, during outbreaks like polio or the outcome could have been much worse.
“during outbreaks like polio, or the outcome could have been much worse.”
I was not around, either. But I doubt anyone would have argued that a crippling disease like polio was “just like the flu” or be content to let it run it’s course. And if they had, science, facts and statistics would have easily proved them wrong. Fine, discredit them, and leave them up so that history doesn’t repeat itself.
I think it is very sad that visitors from other states will never again be welcomed to Kauai, even after COVID-19.
Yes Dave
I too have been a regular Kauai visitor, but now beginning to feel as unwelcome as a leper.