Organizing the houseless

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

From left, Lawrence Descoteau, Ku’uleinani Napuanani Kaninau, Melory Mande, Torrie Parli, Patrick Garcia and Jamilynn Ornellas practice social distancing at the Lydgate Park Kamalani Kai campsite in Wailua.

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

From let, Melory Mande, Torrie Parli, Ku’uleinani Napuanani Kaninau, Jamilynn Ornellas, Patrick Garcia and Lawrence Descoteau at the Lydgate Park Kamalani Kai campsite.

Stephanie Shinno / The Garden Island

From left, Jamilynn Ornellas, Patrick Garcia, Ku’uleinani Napuanani Kaninau and Melory Mande huddle for a moment as they get organized, at the Lydgate Park Kamalani Kai campsite in Wailua.

WAILUA — Five county parks have been established as permitted sheltering zones for the Kaua‘i houseless community by Mayor Derek Kawakami as part of the effort to contain the novel coronavirus — Lucy Wright, Salt Pond, Lydgate, Anahola and Anini — and many of them are already established campsites with varying levels of community organization.