LIHUE Taylor Shigemoto of the HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union pointed out the empty shelves in supermarkets and grocery stores, Tuesday morning.
LIHU‘E — Taylor Shigemoto of the Hawai‘iUSA Federal Credit Union pointed out the empty shelves in supermarkets and grocery stores, Tuesday morning.
“We need to help get food to people,” Shigemoto said. “Hawai‘iUSA FCU as part of its ‘Whole Life Matters’ mission, is providing $5,000 to each of the counties — the Big Island, Maui, O‘ahu, and Kaua‘i — to help get food to those who really need. On Kaua‘i, we have two food banks, and in all fairness, we divided the $5,000 so each of the food banks, the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank, and the Hawai‘i Foodbank, Kaua‘i Branch each receive $2,500.”
The Hawai‘i Foodbank, Kaua‘i Branch, represented by branch manager Wes Perreira, is in partnership with the County of Kaua‘i Office of Elderly Affairs in the Kupuna Kare of Farmer Fare program to acquire produce from eligible sunshine market farmers, prepare packages, and drop-off delivery of the farm product packages to kupuna 70 years and up.
Kelvin Moniz, the executive director for the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank said they recently launched its Spring Healthy Food and Fund Drive with a portion being set aside to care for people who live in the ever-changing conditions of COVID-19 through several of its programs, including the emergency food distribution.