Happy birthday, Dr. Janet Berreman, who spent her special day dealing with the COVID-19 with Mayor Derek Kawakami, Elton Ushio and other leaders. Thank you, Dr. Berreman, district health officer with the state Department of Health Kauai District Health Office. We appreciate you.
Happy birthday, Dr. Janet Berreman, who spent her special day dealing with the COVID-19 with Mayor Derek Kawakami, Elton Ushio and other leaders. Thank you, Dr. Berreman, district health officer with the state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office. We appreciate you.
Have you adjusted to all the changes (made the curfew with 15 minutes to spare) caused by the rapidly-evolving COVID-19? Kudos to Mark Perriello of the Kaua‘i Chamber of Commerce, IT Kaua‘i, and all the other political and business leaders on a great panel discussion via webinar Friday to stay within social-distancing guidelines. Are patrons to the bars exempt? How about those people who cannot count to six or 10?
Rose Anne Jones and Kaua‘i Society of Artists Vice President Renee Palmer took advantage of Kris Bean’s ability to do Facebook Live (Melissa McFerrin-Warrack even volunteered Elliot Lucas to do camera work) for the awards presentation for the KSA Spring Show that was supposed to take place at a reception replaced by the Facebook Live presentation to stay in compliance with social distancing.
Jean Souza and Melissa worked to stay in compliance with social distancing to distribute more than 50 learning kits (the kids and their guardians loved them) on a first-come, first served basis during the temporary closure of the Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery center also at KGC.
Johnny Yago (he was legally on lunch break because he’s working remotely) said the county Agency on Elderly Affairs is looking at video or some sort of teleconferencing avenue to lead exercises for all those seniors from the senior centers who are now stuck at home.