Health fair survives

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Waimea High School principal Mahina Anguay helps shoppers bid for goods and services, Saturday at the third community health fair held at the Clem Gomes Gym in Waimea.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Waimea High School health academy student Allayna Alop helps Braxton Pilila‘au with the anatomy model, Saturday during the third community health fair coordinated by the Menehune health academy students.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Dawn Chandler, a student in the Waimea High School gardening program, offers freshly-harvested micro greens, Saturday during the third community health fair coordinated by the school’s health academy students.

WAIMEA — The third community health fair was not about the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, Saturday at the Clem Gomes Gym and the adjoining baseball field.