Happy Camper for Wednesday, March 4, 2020

L. Shannon Graves and Maria were spending their last Island School Gala as its Head of School, and Alan King was glad the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation golf season is yet to open.
The gentlemen were joined by other coaches, including Sean Magoun, Colby Ayonon, and others in experiencing The Emerald City after following The Yellow Brick Road to the Island School’s 41st Annual Gala Auction at the Kaua‘i Marriott Resort and Beach Club (the Kaua‘i Marriott was also hosting coach Kevin Matsunaga and the delegates to the Student Television Network Convention for the group’s final workshop/training before they leave for Washington, D.C.).
Kudos to the Island School auction planning committee for pulling out the stops for the event that extended far beyond the resort’s ballroom as greeters Tammy Fernandez and Tristol Sheldon met everyone at the foot of the escalators and guided the guests to the appropriate venue, the Scarecrow, Dorothy and Toto (yes, from the Wizard of Oz!) helping the Island School guests along The Yellow Brick Road to The Emerald City where the Flying Monkeys (must’ve been all that Krispy Kremes from earlier in the day) and the Witch searched the deepest corners for Dorothy and her crew, including the Cowardly Lion who had a workout avoiding all the guests by hiding behind the resort landscaping, and the Tin Man who got help from guests in loosening the rust.
And, the bidding hadn’t even started, yet.
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.