KAPAA Beyond Pesticide experts will be on island Thursday, Feb. 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for a free public gathering geared toward pesticide-free parks and roadways and organic land management.
KAPA‘A — Beyond Pesticide experts will be on island Thursday, Feb. 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for a free public gathering geared toward pesticide-free parks and roadways and organic land management.
The meeting is set for St. Catherine School in Kapa‘a.
Beyond Pesticides is teaming up with the county Department of Parks & Recreation to create pilot sites on Kaua‘i for better solutions to deal with weeds and cane grass, alternatives to using pesticides to keep the weeds down.
Some alternatives include using goats, high-powered steam and compost, and other tools.
• Learn what the county is doing to keep pesticides out of parks, and off of sidewalks and other public spaces.
• Learn what residents can do to make lawns, homeowners associations, apartment complexes and workplaces pesticide-free.
Pupu will be available.
Info: Call or text GMO-Free Kaua‘i, 651-9603
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“Pesticides” kill bugs – not weeds. This appears to be about herbicides. I guess saying herbicides isn’t dramatic enough.
Our group has the safe weed killer that we can bring to the HI islands. I works quickly and safely. I have used it on Canadian thistle and they were dead in 4 hours. There is also a safe and organic product for controlling fire ants.
I will let Jeri DiPitro know about these. We participated in the Shaka March a few years ago. Bob Streit