Sanders plus Gabbard could down Trump
Sanders plus Gabbard could down Trump
A Bernie-Tulsi Democratic combination would be the most likely ticket to defeat Donald Trump in November. Sanders’ experience in prior campaigns, and his popularity, along with Gabbard’s experience in Congress, her declaration of foreign regime change unconstitutionality, her military experience and her foreign-affairs views would be far superior to what is currently in power.
Bernie’s popularity in 2016 could have led to his presidency then, if the Democratic National Committee had not illegally pushed Hillary to the forefront and her eventual defeat. Many people voted for the lesser of two evils, Trump, to avoid the constant wars and possible nuclear exchanges with Hillary in power.
If readers agree with the above, then emails should be sent to, to convince him of the wisdom in choosing Tulsi Gabbard as his vice presidential selection.
Rich Hoeppner, Lihue