Theres no denying the evidence
There’s no denying the evidence
There is white smoke from your exhaust pipe, even after running the engine for a while, with bubbles in the coolant overflow tank, which is low, together with a quickly overheating engine; the oil has a white milky sheen, with foam on the oil filler cap; your spark plugs are fouled.
You know from experience it’s a blown head gasket. The first place you call agrees, but says $1750 to fix. The next repair shop says, “That white smoke is steam, and the bubbles are also steam. Nothing is really wrong. All you need is a new radiator cap. That other repair shop is a rip-off.”
A ‘no brainer.’ You’d never use the second repair shop again. They’d just ruin your engine.
Their theory doesn’t fit the facts. You have all the indicators for a blown head gasket. Better suck it up and go for the expensive repair, if you want your vehicle to run.
Yet the President’s legal team is saying, even after all the proceedings in the House, the Full House Report on Impeachment and further revelations since, that there’s no evidence Trump did anything wrong.
It isn’t the radiator cap. It’s a blown head gasket.
Jed Somit, Kapaa