Friends of Maha‘ulepu won the battle
No Moo Poo in Maha‘ulepu! Sound familiar? That was the slogan — more like a battle cry — of Friends of Maha‘ulepu. On Friday, Feb. 1, 2019, The Garden Island ran a headline, in huge, bold type, proclaiming NO DAIRY FARM.
For 4 ½ years Friends of Maha‘ulepu, an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, waged a brilliant, tireless, tenacious, all-encompassing campaign whose goal was to eliminate the possibility that Hawaii Dairy Farms would install, own and operate a 2,000-cow industrial dairy located in the pristine Maha‘ulepu Valley.
On Jan. 31, 2019, that goal came to fruition, as Hawaii Dairy Farms announced plans to leave the island.
This event is certainly worthy of having been included in TGI’s Jan. 1, 2020 article, “Top Stories of 2019.”
Judith Rachap, Koloa
Please read and learn from ‘Surviving a rogue wave’
Today’s article (TGI, Jan. 31) “Surviving a rogue wave,” should be required reading for all individuals before they hike into Hanakapi‘ai. The hikers thought they were safe on higher ground and, much to their chagrin, found out otherwise. Thank goodness no one lost their life or was severely injured.
Wendy Akita, Lihue