Lions roar relief

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

North Shore Lion Bill Troutman Monday looks over the site where a fire destroyed an A‘alona Street residence in Kilauea, during a visit by Lions to provide relief to the affected family.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Josephine Asuncion, second from left, and Patrice Asuncion, third from left, greatfully accept the North Shore Lions Club relief of $1,000 in gift cards Monday at a A‘alona Street home located across the road from where a Dec. 15 fire destroyed the Asuncion home. From left are North Shore Lions Club President Patrick O’Connell, Josephine and Patrice, Lion Gary Pacheco, future Lion Justin Noble and Lion Bill Troutman.

KILAUEA — The North Shore Lions Club, represented by President Patrick O’Connell, Gary Pacheco, Bill Troutman and “future Lion” Justin Noble, were shocked by the damage that greeted them when they visited the Asuncion family to provide relief dosed with a healthy helping of listening ears.