5 crew members feared dead after Alaska fishing boat sinks

A ball cap with the name of the crab fishing boat Scandies Rose rests at the Seattle Fishermen’s Memorial, Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020, in Seattle. The search for five crew members of the Scandies Rose in Alaska has been suspended, the U.S. Coast Guard said after two other crew members of the vessel were rescued after the 130-foot crab fishing boat from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, sank on New Year’s Eve. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

This undated photo shows the Scandies Rose vessel in Seattle. The search for five crew members of the Scandies Rose in Alaska has been suspended, the U.S. Coast Guard said after two other crew members of the vessel were rescued after the 130-foot crab fishing boat from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, sank on New Year’s Eve.(Mike Fancher/The Seattle Times via AP)

JUNEAU, Alaska — Five crew members missing after a crab fishing vessel sank in the frigid waters off Alaska were feared dead after authorities called off a search for those working in the one of the most dangerous industries in the U.S.