Storm rattles island

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

US Coast Guardsmen talk to Outfitters Kauai representatives about the two craft that broke mooring and were rescued from going onto the rocks at Nawiliwili Harbor, Wednesday morning.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

A rainbow breaks on the western sky Wednesday morning while the shift crew at USCG station hose down one of the Motorized Life Boats of storm-related debris at Nawiliwili Harbor.

Contributed photo

A tree has become lodged in the historic Hanapepe swinging bridge Wednesday.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Officials from the Kauai Fire Department, the state’s Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the US Coast Guard assess damages to Nawiliwili Harbor, Wednesday morning.

LIHUE — The storm that hit Kauai the night before Christmas was a dozy.