Deja vu, almost — only the number changed.
Tuesday, just as Monday, a woman walked in the front door of The Garden island and said she wanted to donate to the TGI/Zonta Club Christmas Fund. She was a part-time resident on the island and was, at that moment, on her way to the Lihue Airport to catch a plane to return to the mainland.
But before she left, she wanted to make a contribution to the fund she had been reading about in TGI. Like the woman the previous day, she didn’t want her name mentioned, didn’t want any recognition. She just wanted to help those on the island who needed it. So, shortly after writing a check for $150, she left, with a smile, thanks, a hug and a wave to send her on her way.
The kindness of people continues to make this a bright Christmas season for someone like Susan, a victim of domestic violence who became homeless when she decided to leave her boyfriend. She receives financial assistance each month and is in an outpatient treatment/counseling program. She moved to a transitional shelter program and is on a waiting list for affordable housing. Susan could use linen and bedding, window curtain and housewares for her shelter unit and a food basket would be an added bonus.
And Marsha is a 41-year-old single homeless woman who sometimes stays in an emergency shelter. Marsha has a medical condition and receives monthly Social Security benefits. She recently moved into temporary housing and is on a waiting list for permanent supportive housing. Marsha could use some warm clothing, socks and shoes.
Help for these folks is made possible through The Zonta Club of Kauai, which was started April 1, 1952 and in the ’80s added the Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, a nonprofit for fundraising. In the 1980s, Zonta Club of Kauai partnered with TGI to publish stories — with information provided by social agencies — about their client’s needs,
We’ve been at it since.
Through Christmas Eve, The Garden Island shares daily, front-page stories about families (we don’t use their real names) facing challenges. Donations to the Christmas Fund are used by Zonta Club members to bring holiday cheer to families and individuals through the social service agencies.
Each donation is accounted for and recorded. There are no administrators collecting salaries.
If you hold a fundraiser for the Christmas Fund, let us know and we’ll spread the word. Anyone making a donation of $50 or more can have their picture presenting the gift published in TGI.
A donor pledged to match any donation over $150 up to $5,000.
Donations may be made to: The Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, PO Box, 3032, Lihue, 96766, or by way of their website: