Drivers, please slow down
Drivers, please slow down
How sad to learn of the three young men who died in Anahola recently. Condolences to their families and friends. This should never have happened.
Was it merely coincidental that the poignant, front-page photos of people visiting the memorial outside Anahola store were published in the same issue (Nov. 26) as Howard Tolbe’s thoughtful letter advocating installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Maluhia Road and Kaumualii Highway? In that letter Mr. Tolbe also admonished Kauai drivers to slow down. Good advice.
All the newspaper accounts that I have read noted that excessive speed was a factor in the Anahola accident. Certainly the mangled guardrail at the scene suggests that the errant vehicle struck it very hard, likely because that vehicle was moving substantially faster than it should have been. Is not this the elephant in the road?
As Mr. Tolbe observed, we live on an inland, and a small one at that. Why, then, does anyone here need to speed? As a popular bumper sticker says, “Slow down, this isn’t the Mainland.”
Perhaps some good can come from this dreadful wreck, if it impels even one reckless driver to change his/her behavior. Speeders, look at the pictures of people mourning those young men, and think before you race around our roads. The life you save might be your own. Alternatively, if you do not care about your own life, spare your friends and family such anguish.
Slow down, Kauai, please.
H.M. Wyeth, Anahola