Mahelona Hospital lights ready to shine

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Linda Inouye and Sharyl Lam Yuen of the Grove Farm Company prepare their display materials, Monday at the Mahelona Hospital courtyard in preparation for the lighting ceremony.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Brudda Alfonso Martin secures lighting in the Mahelona Hospital courtyard, Monday as a resident gets a daytime preview of the lighting being set up for the community lighting festivities.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Brudda Alfonso Martin of the Mahelona Hospital Maintenance Dept. checks the snow machine for proper operation, Monday during the set up for the hospital’s community lighting event.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Bryan Kame‘enui of the Mahelona Hospital Maintenance Dept. checks for burnt lights, Monday as set up for the Community Lighting continues in the hospital’s courtyard.

KAPAA — Josie Pablo, Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Kauai Region recreational director, was not available Monday to greet the Kalaheo School Sunshine Express who arrived to present its holiday offering to the residents at the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital.