Westside ‘Ohana Day rides high

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Alana Kilar claims the bicycle she won during a random drawing at the Westside Ohana Day at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center Saturday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Todd Anderson helps Jasyrie Nishida-Gampon with her skateboarding Saturday during the Westside Ohana Day at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden island

Haven Matsuoka helps Shayla Paku using a balance bike through the bicycle skills course as aunty Jordan Naumu watches Saturday during the Westside Ohana Day at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

William McGinness negotiates the bicycle skills course, accompanied by his safety net, his father Matt, Saturday during the Westside Ohana Day at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center.

Dr. Monty Downs of the Kauai Lifeguard Association learned about konane, and Haven Matsuoka looked for a break from the skateboarding arena Saturday during the Westside Ohana Day that opened to gloomy, rainy and windy conditions at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center.