‘Tremendously rewarding’

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Kim Gebauer reaches over the rails to paint Bynum Bridge (formerly known as Kamalani Kai Bridge) on Saturday as part of “Make a Difference Day” at Lydgate Park in Wailua.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Tommy Noyes, event coordinator for “Make a Difference Day” at Lydgate Park in Wailua, checks his phone as he keeps up with logistics involving 250 volunteers on Saturday.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Keapana resident Gabriela Taylor paints posts at Bynum Bridge (formerly Kamalani Kai Bridge) Saturday at Lydgate Park in Wailua as her contribution to Make a Difference Day.

When Heidi Fleming arrived on a bike at Bynum Bridge on Saturday, people were happy to see her.