Kauai County committees are scheduled to meet 8:30 a.m Wednesday at the Historic County Building.
Kauai County committees are scheduled to meet 8:30 a.m Wednesday at the Historic County Building.
Councilmember Felicia Cowden is requesting the presence of the director of Parks & Recreation to provide a briefing on county cemeteries, to include:
• Where county cemeteries are located;
• The demographic characteristics of the Hanapepe Cemetery and areas for possible expansion;
• The Kauai Veterans Cemetery newly-funded columbarium expansion, new burial plot site, and a way to open the cemetery pavilion without disrupting the memorial mosaic that adorns the central area; and
• General rules, regulations, procedures, and costs for families to obtain a grave site for themselves or loved ones in county cemeteries.
Planning Committee Chair Mason Chock is requesting the presence of the planning director to provide a briefing regarding ongoing planning enforcement needs as it relates to increased county compliance issues (including how many cases the county is dealing with, cost, unforeseen issues).
The public is welcome.