The spaghetti was so good it attracted dignitaries like Santa (aka Phil Worwa), Rep. Nadine Nakamura and more Sunday when the East Kauai Lions Club hosted its first spaghetti luncheon at Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.
The spaghetti was so good it attracted dignitaries like Santa (aka Phil Worwa), Rep. Nadine Nakamura and more Sunday when the East Kauai Lions Club hosted its first spaghetti luncheon at Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.
“The recipe is from my brother Gilbert Jr. who works at Lappert’s,” said Past District Governor Kelvin Moniz. “He was here (at the Salvation Army’s certified kitchen) from 2 a.m. cooking up enough for 700 meals.”
In addition to the spaghetti meal served to-go, or sit-in, patrons were treated to an offering by select craft vendors from the community and a silent auction filled with goodies from community sponsors as a fundraiser for the East Kauai Lions Club vision and hearing and other service projects such as the recent painting of curbs at Vidinha Stadium.
Next year, we might add the well-known Harvey Kinoshita miso soup, and maybe add cole slaw using the fresh Maui pineapples that Roy Nishida used to bring in for the pancake breakfast, said Sandy Kinoshita who entertained family members from Maui who were taking advantage of the Department of Education’s fall break.