Mokihana Club provides funds for Boys & Girls Club

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Megan Lawson, the Kauai Opio and Keiki Orchestra violin instructor, guides the ensemble into the proper positioning, Monday during a recital for parents and family at the Boys & Girls Club, Lihue Clubhouse Teen Center.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Smartphone videos go off as the 12-member violin ensemble from the Boys & Girls Club, Lihue Clubhouse go through one of its presentations, Monday during the Kauai Opio and Keiki Orchestra recital.

LIHUE — There were no complaints of sore necks, or sore arms Monday when the Kauai Opio and Keiki Orchestra sounded its first notes from a dozen violin players at the Boys &Girls Club, Lihue Clubhouse.