Bon dances resume after a weeks rest to celebrate Independence Day. This weeks event moves to the Kapaa Jodo Mission (does that mean that Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital will have some of their residents present since its just down the hill, and has Mike Teruya returned from his European trip?) where the Rev. Kosen Ishikawa will be presiding over the short bon service acknowledging our ancestors.
Bon dances resume after a week’s rest to celebrate Independence Day. This week’s event moves to the Kapaa Jodo Mission (does that mean that Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital will have some of their residents present since it’s just down the hill, and has Mike Teruya returned from his European trip?) where the Rev. Kosen Ishikawa will be presiding over the short bon service acknowledging our ancestors.
There are only three remaining after this week — the Waimea Higashi Hongwanji (go visit the new resident minister, the Rev. Koen Kikuchi, next weekend, followed by the Kapaa Hongwanji Mission (check out Jim Jung’s special boat, and make sure you get some of that andagi prepared by Jocelyn Barriga and the Kauai Special Olympics crew), and the season wraps up with the special Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital bon dance Aug. 9.
Don’t forget, keiki and parents — Saturday is Back to School Bash for free school supplies at Kukui Grove Center from 9:30 a.m. Kids need to be registered and present to get free packs.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or