Honesty appreciated
This morning (Saturday, June 29, 2019) my wife and I went to Lihue to purchase a chair and ottoman at Two Frogs Hugging. We found that we had some extra cash after the purchase. So, we went to Walmart to do some small kind shopping and ate a fast lunch at McDonald while there. Then we went to pay for our items.
To make a long story short, I left my wallet, cell phone, and some cash in a blue zippered KCFCU (now, Gather FCU…ew! I cringe at the new name) bag in the shopping cart in the parking lot. Then, I drove back to TFH to pick up the chair and ottoman. That’s when I realized, I didn’t have the blue zippered bag.
I quickly rushed back to Walmart only to find that the shopping cart wasn’t there anymore. I went into the store to Customer Service and asked if someone had found it and brought it to the Customer Service. Sure enough, it was there and everything was in tact. Even the cash! The worker informed me that an associate found it.
I didn’t get the name of the associate. But, whoever you are, I’d like to thank you with much mahalos, publicly!
There truly is still some honest people on Kauai! And also would like to thank my Heavenly Father for this Walmart associate.
Howard Tolbe, Eleele
Howard, it might be more appropriate besides thanking the Walmart associate directly, and not too hard to find and reward him or her for their honesty, but next in line would be the parents who raised this honest person and instilled honesty is the best policy.
The Heavenly Father may have much to do with all the good people on earth but He also shares equal responsibility for the bad people.
Real Faith in Honesty would best be placed on the associate’s parents, while iffy Blind Faith is better saved for the Heavenly Father.
If your Heavenly Father (where and who is the Heavenly Mother, considerably Remiss without her) is also the Creator…are you able to idebtitfy or describe either as a Universal, literally, INTELLIGENCE.
The Intelligence that has overseen or manged our arth and
In since time began kept all in perfection and harmony, until mankind came along and assumed their intelligence was, is, more intelligent that
Awesome! So nice to read a good story about a super person!
The associate is buddhist, and understands your narrow minded dependance on others to justify our existence….and apologizes for having to say that. He waned me to let you know you’re welcome
It appears the gist of my comment to Howard did not copy/paste…
If your Heavenly Father; and where and who is the Heavenly Mother, considerably Remiss without her…on Earth would she be Mother Nature, seemingly the representative of the Intelligence of the Universe on Earth, she also being a part of the Creator specifically for Earth…are you able in your mind to identify or describe either as a Universal, literally, INTELLIGENCE?
The Intelligence that has overseen, or managed, our entire Universe(s) and our incredibly precious Earth (and the only home we have, never mind the space cadets trying to reach and set up an escape to Mars on our hard earned wasted tax dollars) since time began, and has kept all in perfection and harmony, without any help and without interruption, until mankind came along, lately, and assumed their intelligence was, is, more intelligent than the Intelligence of all Creation, and whose apparent meager intelligence may be the possible finality of mankind’s collective arrogance which has in a mere fleck (as in a fleck of dusk), a fleck of time brought us the Red Herring used as a smelly distraction from the truth, and given to us the Fake Name of “Global Warming” when in fact, Global Warming is clearly manmade and short sighted, a dirty-rotten-filthy-stinking-toxic-cancerous-money grabbing and hoarding, and forced education deprived of valid information known as Air Water Land, and Mind WORLDWIDE POLLUTION.
While your Heavenly Father, and for many of us that call the HF, the Intelligence of the Universe(s), that Intelligence has allowed Evolution to produce a species of homo sapien, some of whom have minds perhaps Pre-Polluted with Greed, Power, Envy, Hate, Arrogance, Wanton Recklessness, and Disregard for other Human Life and all other sentient Beings and Life Forms, etc.; (the side effects of which cause in others…death, sadness, suffering, loss of optimal Health and Life Longevity and Experience)…and Earth’s loss of the benefits of the human minds that would otherwise have brought or would bring us greater benefit to all living and passive elements of our Earth.
The arrogant pushy humans continue denying for all the rest of us, so far, our natural earthly optimal human benefits, and are technically and theoretically robbing us blind, by not allowing us to see what we are missing in endless thousands of ways.
Howard we already know you are one of the good guys, so why not take the extra time (Time is Love) and effort and go back and track down that Walmart Associate yourself and give him or a her at least a “sawbuck” and a mahalo and Aloha for them doing the right thing reinforcing good on Earth…your Heavenly Father knows we need it.