Crowning a queen

Michelle Santos, Joylene Tabon - Maui, Ruth Coller Forbes - Big Island

Louisa Tanigawa, Joel Soriano, Brandie Aguinaldo

Kaytlen Akau, Tamara Akau

Vicky Ramos, Marli Genegabuas, Sandra Naihe

Thelma Pascual, Marli Genegabuas, Charlmaine Bulosan, Aida Riofta

Kathy Dodge, Clark Dodge, Conrad Racelo

Fayeh Gacrama, Irah Arias, Kyla Pesquira

Dominga Robles, Luz Diaz

Dr. Arnulfo Diaz, Mila Calipjo, Florence Riopta, Lita Dela Pena, Dr. Ramon Dela Pena

Prudencio Labutong, Cora Pascual, Orlando Matio

Roy Mendaro, Angelo Catiggay

More than 800 people watched as Isabel Gampon worked through the different phases to emerge as the 2019 Miss Kauai Filipina at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall Saturday night.