Prosecutor: Mom and daughter strangled pregnant Chicago teen

This undated Chicago Police missing person flier shows Marlen Ochoa-Lopez. Ochoa-Lopez, who had gone to a Chicago home in response to a Facebook offer of free baby clothes, was strangled and her baby cut from her womb, police and family members said. (Chicago Police/Chicago Tribune via AP)

This combination of booking photos provided by the Chicago Police Department on Thursday, May 16, 2019 shows from left, Pioter Bobak, 40; Clarisa Figueroa, 46; and Desiree Figueroa, 24. Charges against them come three weeks after 19-year-old Marlen Ochoa-Lopez disappeared and a day after her body was discovered in a garbage can in the backyard of Clarissa Figueroa’s home in Chicago’s Southwest Side. Police said the teenager was strangled and her baby cut from her body. (Chicago Police Department via AP)

CHICAGO — A pregnant Chicago teen who was killed and whose baby was cut from her womb was strangled while being shown a photo album of the late son and brother of her attackers, a prosecutor said Friday in urging a judge to keep the defendants locked up.