Be careful of scam phone callers
This is an open letter to all doctors’ offices, hospitals, government agencies and any business that makes phone calls to clients:
When the person answers the phone, please DO NOT ask “Is this John Doe?” Scammers use this technique to get people to say “yes,” and the recorded “yes” can then be used to prove the called person agreed to buy whatever they are selling. This is the first thing we are taught to protect ourselves from scams. Never say the word “yes.”
Instead, when the call is answered, please identify yourself first, such as, “This is Mrs. Smith of Dr. Johnson’s office, calling for John Doe.” Since the scammers can now “ghost” local phone numbers, we cannot trust that a call with a local number is actually from a local person.
Senior citizens receive daily calls from scammers, trying to cheat us out of our hard-earned money. One day I personally received 10 calls from the same scam phone number. I did not answer any of them.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dorothy Collins, Lihue
Limiting North Shore access not fair
While I understand the concern and desire to protect the North Shore I have serious doubts about limiting access for island visitors. I have visited Kauai numerous times and the North Shore is by far my favorite. I love to watch the waves crash ashore and create the rain-making process which feeds the vitality of the island.
I’m handicapped and find it very difficult to walk. Accordingly, when I have to leave the area, I need to go quickly. The thought of having to board a bus, get off, wait for space or abide by a schedule is, for me, out of the question. Simply can’t do it. In addition, I often don’t even get out of the vehicle, as the drive is so beautiful. If the plan to limit my access does effect my ability to visit the area I will simply not visit Kauai.
As a way to limit access I would suggest requiring those visiting the area to hike the trails obtain a free pass and be shuttled to the area, thereby freeing up parking for brief visitors such as myself.
I love Kauai, but denying access to the area will cause harm to the local economy simply because visitors in general and people with disabilities won’t feel the welcoming love of “Kauai.”
Walter Japak, Harrisburg, Pa.
I have watched the island of ‘aloha’ become the island of hate.
Just to make a point, let’s say that I’m “handicapped”. Lost both my legs in war. I’d love to hike the Napili Kalalau trail. Obviously, I can’t. My “expectations “ are reasonable so I DO NOT expect the Napili trail to be “wheelchair accessible”.
Just because you’re “handicapped” in anyway, that doesn’t give you the “right” to expect an inconvenience or burden be put on someone else. For all we know, your “handicap” may be the result of your own carelessness or stupidity.
Im sure Kauai will survive economically without your visits.
BTW, you used the words “I” , “me”, or “my” 15 times in your letter.
Social media anonymity strikes again! What a baseless, disgusting, and vile accusation to apply to the handicapped; that it’s their fault and that removes their voice. That was trump level classlessness! It just lacked a juvenile nickname. Why? Have you not learned at the foot of the Master. Get it together. Don’t make the same four disgusting and deplorable, aging, males do all of trump’s vile work here!
What a nasty rude comment. Be Kind! We are all humans on this planet.
Walter – You’re not the only physically challenged person in the world. I’m pretty sure that our Kauai officials have taken your physical limitations, as well as the many thousands of others like you, into account. Try not beating up people before you know that they’re doing you harm.
Ah, here’s one of the four trumpets now. Notice the mean spirited: “Who do you think you are?” or, words to that same effect. This is the same 5th grade boy language that his leader uses and what he, therefore, can understand and then say: “Duuuh, he talks just like we do!”
I’m sure Handicapped parking spots will be available at the end of the road, provided you’ve made reservations.
A thought for your consideration: Is it fair to the area’s residents and the environment to be overrun by inconsiderate visitors parking all along the road?
Apparently there will be a limited number of pre-reserved parking spaces at Ke’e Beach. They’ve built a walkway to access the beach from those spots > except for disabled parking which will be up front. Anyone going camping must have a permit, and be dropped off or take the shuttle = no overnight parking.
And “handicapped” there’s no need to be rude! Those that are unfortunately disabled are NOT considered a burden > to most of us. Might want to do something about your lack of compassion, it’s in serious need of an attitude adjustment!