Avis Budget delivers food

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kelvin Moniz, Kauai Independent Food Bank executive director, right, offers an explanation on where the food from food drives goes, to associates of the Avis Budget Group Thursday while awaiting the totals of the Avis Budget Group food drive.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Associates of the Avis Budget Group, volunteers from the Kauai High School Key Club, and the staff of the Kauai Independent Food Bank celebrate the 459 pounds of food contributed by the Avis Budget Group Thursday afternoon at the KIFB facility in Nawiliwili.

NAWILIWILI — When the Avis Budget rent a car shuttle bus made a left turn off Rice Street Thursday afternoon, it was not to pick up rental car patrons from the cruise ship moored at Nawiliwili Harbor.