On Sunday, March 10, the following statement was read and warmly received at the Center for Spiritual Living, Kauai, in Kapaa. It was written by Dr. Kenn Gordon, spiritual leader of Centers for Spiritual Living worldwide, headquartered in Golden, Colorado.
“We believe oneness and wholeness is the very nature of the infinite, omnipresence divine reality — God. Our philosophy, the science of mind, accepts and includes all life, all beings, and all creation as the very body of God. We celebrate the diversity of life as the expression of the infinite nature and revel in the impulse of love that bursts forth in every aspect of life – from the different flowers in the backyard, to the variety of trees in our forests, fish in the seas, birds in the air, and animals that roam our lands. This is the expression of the infinite, infinitely loving creation in all its glory. As the ancient mystic in the Hebrew creation story, Genesis, teaches us all creation is originally blessed, for it is good.”
Because of this deep faith in our oneness with all life, science of mind and Centers for Spiritual Living, are open and affirming. We not only accept, we celebrate our uniqueness and our diversity, including LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual or ally) in our communities, we affirm our LGBTQIA clergy and we support all our clergy performing same-sex marriages.
We stand for each and every LGBTQIA person, no matter their faith path, religion or spirituality. We believe profoundly in loving our neighbors as we love ourselves, which includes acceptance rather than judgment, loving words rather than hateful speech, and deep respect for how love shows up in each individual.
We live in a time when many faith traditions are struggling with doctrines from another time, doctrines which are often unwelcoming, particularly to the LGBTQIA communities. While religious principles may not change over time, religious doctrine must evolve and concepts of morality evolve — toward a greater capacity for love, compassion and acceptance. While this may be a struggle for some, it is the right path to take, for no religion can be consistent to its principles and be moving away from love — to love God as God is understood, and to love one another, are the greatest commandments of the scriptures of all religions.
To our LGBTQIA brothers and sisters everywhere:
You are precious to life. You are a beautiful expression of love.
You are an outlet for creativity like no one else. You are blessed as you are.
You are a blessing wherever you go. You cannot be denied or excluded from the divine presence. Your expression of personhood is beloved by the one, for it is unique and perfect for you.
Center for Spiritual Living Kauai welcomes all people from every path of life. We are an open, affirming and inclusive spiritual center.
The Rev. Patrick Feren and the Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren, co-spiritual leaders; the Rev. Diane Decker, outreach minister; the Rev. Dr. Peggy Price, emeritus minister; and the membership of Center for Spiritual Living, Kauai, worship in Kapaa.