Mike and Joyce Cavanaugh of Nebraska said theyve been coming to the Waimea Town Celebration so long they feel like residents. The couple were giving a hand to Memory Robinson (she starts the Waimea craft fair after the WTC hoolaulea) with her craft tent (did you check out Titako Lefais work with the large piece of hau?) during the Music in the Park series at Hofgaard Park in Waimea, where Puni Patrick had a host of visitors, including her sister Pualilia Hernandez of the Big Island, Kainoa Rickard of Lomita, Calif., and Leilani Boyd of Los Angeles, giving her a hand with the event logistics.
Mike and Joyce Cavanaugh of Nebraska said they’ve been coming to the Waimea Town Celebration so long they feel like residents. The couple were giving a hand to Memory Robinson (she starts the Waimea craft fair after the WTC ho‘olaule‘a) with her craft tent (did you check out Titako Lefai’s work with the large piece of hau?) during the Music in the Park series at Hofgaard Park in Waimea, where Puni Patrick had a host of visitors, including her sister Pualilia Hernandez of the Big Island, Kainoa Rickard of Lomita, Calif., and Leilani Boyd of Los Angeles, giving her a hand with the event logistics.
Joelle Souza said she’s got to fly to Texas, but will still be at the Saturday ho‘olaule‘a with the Prickly Pineapple Western Fashion Show (2:45 p.m. start). She was finalizing details with Thomas Nizo, and how great to see chef Carla Dusenberry with the E and G food truck (she said she was the first one to park at the WTC events, including the Japanese whiskey thing last weekend).
For something other than the Waimea Town Celebration, check out Peggy Ellenburg and the Island School fifth-graders (David Du is an exchange student from China, Braxton Montalbo’s dad owns Aloha Termite, and Lily Glick gets free drinks at Lihue Pharmacy) in their production of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.