Mental healthcare must be addressed
Mental healthcare must be addressed
Our family recently lost a member. He died as a direct result of the failing first world mental healthcare system. He lost his long battle with being marginalized and deprived of basic human needs due to mismanaged mental health. It’s a cascade of events that lead many down a familiar path. Lack of acknowledgment that they are afflicted because of the deeply ingrained stigma and cultural attitudes that come with mental illness which leads to isolation, leads to hopelessness/psychosis, leads to un-employability, leads to homelessness, malnutrition and all throughout, the strong possibility of self medicating with alcohol and drugs.
Just in time for the holidays, the CDC came out with some pretty grim statistics. Death rates in our country rose 10% from drug overdoses and 4% from suicide, in one year and are steadily climbing. Affecting rural communities the most, like us here in Kauai. The holiday season, a time when those that don’t have connections become more isolated. A time when those who are susceptible become depressed and suicidal. This is also a time when not only depression occurs, but mania and psychosis can also be triggered. Unfortunately we all know someone who fits the bill. The fact is that in our community, and in our country, we lack the support that can help us and our loved ones through these difficulties.
My hopes are that we initiate a solid plan in the way we treat those that are struggling everyday with voices, addictions, PTSD and chemical imbalances. We need to start addressing mental health in elementary school, have it be part of the curriculum in hopes that we can lift the shame of mental illness and the fear of asking for help or recognizing the need for help. Lets start there, and continue towards building a system that catches those that are at risk of falling through.
Belgica Heredia, RN, Kapaa