Dennis Fujimoto The Garden Island
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What? Spaghetti in the pumpkin patch? Whoa! That sounds like a winner Friday night at the Aqua Kauai Beach Resort near Hanamaulu, starting at 5:30 p.m. (yep, little guys like to eat early and get their second wind). Maile Lewis, Mariko Harper and Grant James have cooked up another family-friendly event like the pancake breakfast to benefit the Visitor Industry Charity Walk … what a win-win situation, a great community event to benefit the community!

And more spooky/fun things come up Saturday morning when Scott Giarman, Lori Almarza and Lynette Medrano-Stine get full-on with the Kauai United Way Walk a Thon (gotta figure out a Halloween name for this) where groups (yep, the Kapaa High School Interact Club gets fully involved with this one) get to earn half of the funds they raise to help the Kauai United Way … even Relay for Life teams raise funds at this event at Kukui Grove Center (great way to work off all the carbs from the spaghetti night), and you can always stick around for the spooky happenings that follow.

Patti Ragasa of the American Cancer Society also has a bunch of fundraisers coming up this weekend as part of the October being Breast Cancer Awarenes Month (Judge Randal Valenciano said sometimes the best way to blend in is to stand out) … more to come.


Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or