‘God can change lives’

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Will Graham speaks with Victoria Franks while Pastor Vill Galiza looks at at Aloha Church following Wednesday’s launch of the Kauai Celebration scheduled May 3-5 at Vidinha Stadium.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Rhonda L. Cabello of New Hope Lihue prays Wednesday at Aloha Church during the rally to launch Kauai Celebration with Will Graham next year.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Pastor Lon Malapit offers a prayer for cooperation on Wednesday at Aloha Church in the launch of Kauai Celebration with Will Graham.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Cathy Simao prayers while Will Graham bows in his head during Wednesday’s breakfast at Aloha Church to launch the Kauai Celebration set for next May.

LIHUE — Why Kauai?