Tatsuki Sato worked two double plays and even got a hit against the Kauai Yankees Wednesday afternoon at Peter Rayno Sr. Park in Hanamaulu. But the five Japanese Little League players, combining with several Kauai players, could not overcome the Yankees’ long balls in the exhibition match where Mabel, Norman and Ann Hashisaka were able to drop in on during their return trip from Kapaa.
Tatsuki Sato worked two double plays and even got a hit against the Kauai Yankees Wednesday afternoon at Peter Rayno Sr. Park in Hanamaulu. But the five Japanese Little League players, combining with several Kauai players, could not overcome the Yankees’ long balls in the exhibition match where Mabel, Norman and Ann Hashisaka were able to drop in on during their return trip from Kapaa.
Coach Lenny Rapozo (Craig Arzadon put him to work prepping for the post-game paina) and even Kaleo Carvalho were able to drop in after work.
Art Umezu (you should see him sitting in the dugout as interpreter) is going crazy trying to juggle the Japanese visitors’ trip that is being hammered by the arrival of Hurricane Lane (it’s not a Hawaiian name) and the resulting closures and event cancellations.
OK, time to hunker down and batten down the hatches (Dick Olsen — he’s got a Kauai Amateur Radio Club presentation on the effects of ham radios and hurricanes coming up — Carl Andersson — he got to move Namahoe to safer harbor — Dr. Chris Jordan, Janice Portillo and Shale Shore — she wanted to show off the OZone hole — were busy securing all the Vanguard and Toppers ahead of the storm).
Stay safe on the passage of Hurricane Lane (hopefully, it’ll be downgraded) south of Kauai!
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.