Well project starts in Kapaa

Photo courtesy county Department of Water

County councilmembers, County of Kauai staff, members of the county Department of Water and contractors pose during the blessing for the DOW Kapaa Homesteads Well No. 4 Project. From left are Councilmember JoAnn Yukimura, Galen Gokan of SSFM International, Inc., Godwin Esaki, Board of Water Supply board member, acting county engineer Lyle Tabata, Councilmember Derek Kawakami, DOW’s Dustin Moises, Earthworks Pacific Inc.’s Bryan Davidson and DOW’s Bryan Wienand.

Photo courtesy county Department of Water

Members of the county Department of Water untie the lei at the blessing of the DOW Kapaa Homesteads Well No. 4 project in Kapaa.

KAPAA — The Kapaa Homesteads Well No. 4 Project kicked off with a blessing ceremony late last month, representing another step completed in the Kauai County Department of Water Plan 2020, a comprehensive, long-range plan that addresses the need to upgrade aging infrastructures and water system improvements on Kauai.