When I woke up quite early last Wednesday morning, June 27, I turned on Fox News and was greatly surprised. Public (government) members of unions, just received a pay raise with the 5-4 SCOTUS decision re: Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, striking down the 41-year-old Abood v. Detroit board of education decision, which forced government union employees to join and pay dues to their union.
Partial Quote from FDR, August 16, 1937:
“All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has it’s distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by representatives in Congress. Accordingly, administrative officials and employees allike are governed and guided, and in many instances restricted, by laws which establish policies, procedures, or rules in personnel matters.”
President Trump’s Tax Reform Act, passed by Congress in December of 2017, and now, US public union employees, just got another pay raise. Once again, there is more money in the pockets of those who work, pay taxes and live the American Dream.
Also, yesterday’s SCOTUS 5-4 decision (can we all say Neil Gorsuch?) legally validating Trump’s travel ban from one and half years ago regarding countries openly hostile, including North Korea and Venezuela, to the USA, who provide no vetting of those entering our country; who they are and their reason for wanting to enter the US, validates the power and constitutional right of the presidency to protect the people of America.
When I’m asked by Trump supporters or those who don’t support Trump, “So what do you think of Trump now?” I say, “It’s just like Christmas to me, everyday!”
President Trump is the only former presidential candidate or president who can draw a crowd of literally thousands that not only fills the venue but with just as many people clamoring outside, wanting to get into the venue; speaking extemporaneously for 90 minutes to two hours, and electrifying the electorate, identifying and reminding America of our former values, and how we can return to those values, MAGA.
This frightens not only the Democrat party, mainstream media, Hollywood, but many so-called Republican/conservatives (Sens. McCain and Flake, George Will, etc.), because they have no one, absolutely no one, who can do what Trump can do.
President Trump is literally a politically phenomena. We only have a little more than six years left, assuming he’s reelected in 2020, of his leadership. In other words, the Hawaii Republican Party must make “political hay” while we still can.
Government employees, especially here in a big union state of Hawaii, are now pontificating as to the SCOTUS’ Janus decision and will be talking about what this means financially to them personally, and to their families, under Trump’s leadership. Wednesday’s, June 27, SCOTUS decision is a “political lance” through the heart of Big Government and the Democrat party
Steve Yoder is Kauai GOP county chair.