Kauai’s message: ‘We care’
Sunday, July 01, 2018 12:05 am

LIHUE — Cheryl Johnston carried a sign with a three simple words Saturday: “Free the children.”

Bill Buley / The Garden Island
Mary Kopitzke of Kalaheo greets passersby during Saturday’s rally for families near the Lihue Airport.
Bill Buley / The Garden Island
David Silver holds up a “Blue Tsunami” sign on Saturday in Lihue.
Bill Buley / The Garden Island
Kristina Rollins and son Zenith Rollins hold signs during Saturday’s rally in Lihue against U.S. immigration policies.
Bill Buley / The Garden Island
Signs share the message of many at Saturday’s rally in Lihue against President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.
LIHUE — Cheryl Johnston carried a sign with a three simple words Saturday: “Free the children.”
LIHUE — Cheryle Johnston carried a sign with a three simple words Saturday: “Free the children.”
The Kalaheo’s woman’s verbal message was just as concise.
“All kids belong with their families,” she said. “They shouldn’t be taken away.”
Johnston was one of about 500 people, keiki to kupuna, who turned out for a two-hour rally near the Lihue Airport to protest the “zero tolerance” immigration policies of President Donald Trump that has seen children being separated from parents. The rally was one of hundreds across the nation as many called for kids and parents to be reunited.
As many of the protesters waved and held their signs high on a sunny day, drivers passing by often honked and sometimes waved from the window. And when a horn sounded, people yelled and cheered in return.
One woman wore a Donald Trump mask. Another danced to the beating drums. When a car broke down in front of the rally, a small crowed quickly gathered to push it out of the roadway, earning more applause.
A few politicians showed up, too, but for the most part, this was about private individuals taking time to show their disapproval of Trump’s actions regarding immigrants trying to reach America. One man said if any pro-Trump supporters showed up, he would not hesitate to let them know what he thought of the president.
There were colorful signs delivering messages like, “Yes, we care,” “People, unite to end this plight,” “How dare you?” and “Resist racist policies.”
Others called for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be abolished.
Kristina Rollins held a sign that read, “Children are NOT pawns in Trump’s sick political game,” while her son, Zenith Rollins, held a sign that said, “Shame on you! Mr. Trump.”
Kristian Rollins said she does not support Trump’s actions and wanted to show her disapproval during the rally.
“I think it’s important for all of us to get out and have our voices heard,” she said.
Mary Kopitzke of Kalaheo said she wanted to be there because “it’s incredibly important to stand up for all people.”
“All of us were immigrants in some way, shape or form at one time,” she said. “We all came from someplace else.”
Immigrants seeking to enter America are after a better life, and they should be welcomed, she said.
“To tell them, ‘No, you can’t,’ to that I say, ‘Why?’” Kopitzke said.
Liisa Vandermeer of Kapaa said what’s happening now with immigrant families is scary and can’t be allowed to continue. Her sign read, “Hate does not make America great.”
“We need to show that we care about these kids, we need to stop this process,” she said.
David Silver of Kalaheo held a sign that said, “Vote! Blue tsunami,” with a large wave in the background.
“It breaks my heart to see what happening,” he said.
Silver fears that under Trump’s presidency, people are losing civil liberties and that will continue unless the people rise up and say “no more.”
“I’ve been nervous since Trump became president because he’s following basically the handoo0k of fascism,” he said.
Silver said America should allow refugees in. His grandparents came to America from Europe.
“They came because they were being chased out of their countries for their religion,” he said.
Vandermeer, when asked for her suggestion on what to do with the country’s immigration policy, said families must be kept together.
“Don’t complicate the process,” she said.
Brian McKenzie of Lihue said Trump’s immigration policy was ridiculous.
“This is a nation of immigrants,” McKenzie said. “Why would we all of the sudden stop immigration?”
McKenzie said he used to work as an educator in California and was involved with DREAM Act children (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act).
“I just think it’s awful what Donald Trump’s doing to young people,” McKenzie said.
Hana Neerings of Wainiha held a sign that read “Demand kids and families be set free.” She was more direct when asked for her opinion.
“I’m absolutely appalled about what’s happened,” she said. “I think it’s against all the values of our country.”
Neerings believed that the thousands protesting across the country would have an impact and lead to change in the country’s immigration policies.
“I think speaking the truth always makes a difference,” she said.
Kap Richard of Koloa said she has never heard of separating young children from parents at the border. The former therapist said such separation causes lifelong damage.
“It can be coped with, but it can never be fixed,” she said.
Mary Caston of Lihue held a posterboard with pictures of children behind a fence. Families of other countries are trying to enter America not so they can commit crimes, she said, but in search of a better life.
America can do better than children from parents, she said.
“It’s really difficult to see this and not doing something about it,” she said. “The more freaky it is that this is America and this is going on. It’s appalling.”
Bill Buley, editor-in-chief, can be reached at 245-0457 or bbuley@thegardenisland.com.
When will people start thinking for themselves and stop attending these orchestrated, disingenuous ‘rallies’? To have people attend this hate rally in Hawaii is so disappointing but I’m not losing faith in the Aloha spirit I’ve experienced over the years. To the people who’s hearts are filled with such hatred of the president, please try to look beyond the childish way he communicates and focus on the issues. The fact is as soon as he learned about the policy of separating children from their detained parents which was created many years ago and thought to be the best for the children, he signed an executive order to reunite them. The zero tolerance policy is against illegal immigration, not legal immigration. Every country has border laws that they enforce and the United States continues to show compassion for those in need. People need to be vigilant in their beliefs but don’t be lead astray by the deception created by those behind the scenes who fund these ‘rallies’. They are not looking out for anyone but themselves. Mahalo.
Very good comment!
All must agree that overpopulation is a problem that compounds all the stresses and divisiveness we see all over the world. Waving signs will not do anything to solve these vexing issues. Easy to see on an island this size.
Local families cannot afford homes on Kauai and will be forced to compete for housing and jobs in places like Vegas with illegal immigrants. . . . Meanwhile the white protesters that live in gated communities in Princeville and Kalaheo are going to tell the poor people in this country it’s ok to share your neighborhood with illegals but no coming into my neighborhood
You people are misinformed. The children being taken away from their parents was happening when OBAMA was president of the United state’s.
The pictures of kids in dog kennels was also during the Obama Era.
Quit believing everything you see from mainstream media and do your research before protesting for something that you should have done 4 years ago and when someone who is a trump supporter tries to inform you of facts and also tries to have a serious conversation, don’t yell like a little kid who didn’t get their way. Try and listen, you might actually learn some real information.
All bitter white transplants in a frenzy of hate, trying desperately to get attention.
One brainwashing her kid to hate.
They were only a half a mile from the departure gate. Too bad that they didn’t take their hate rally onto a departing plane, and all go back home to California.
our family does not agree with the protests;
our father in law was “torn” away from his family after breaking the law; he is a US citizen with too many DWI’s and went to jail;
break the law and in certain crimes, you go to jail; this is not any different;
they are protesting the wrong thing; US citizens are in jail daily and away form their families;
these people are not even citizens; they seem to leave out the fine details when protesting; not very smart my opinion to not know all the fact or ignore them;
if all children belong with their families, ……. all means all, correct ?
my father in law in still in jail and away from his kids;
1) No one, least of all President Trump, is opposing immigration, only breaking the law to do so. What part of “illegal” does the Trump-Deranged Left not understand? How else are we supposed to manage our borders?
2) Many of the children coming up from Mexico and Central America are doing so with people who are posing as their parents, and in actuality are part of the drug cartels which are seeking new inroads into the US. Granted, it’s our moral problem that so many Americans have a need for drugs, but interdicting the product is part of at least trying to find a solution.
3) Barack Obama had the very same policies as Trump regarding separating children at the border, and neither the Trump Deranged Left nor the media uttered a peep.
4) Why does the Trump-Deranged Left have no problem about sending back people who enter the US at Honolulu airport without a passport? Why are they only concerned about illegal border crossings across the Rio Grande?
In short, these people are hypocrites who have woken up every morning for the past year and a half utterly horrified that Donald Trump is actually president. Well too bad. Most of us are utterly delighted to finally have a president who is concerned about the country’s security.
Perhaps these protestors should put their money where their mouths are and fore go and forfeit their social security and or other government benefits to support those non citizens who are breaking our laws.
I agree that we should be keeping these families together! As we deport them with no trial, no food, no medical help, no nothing back to the other side of the border, then blacklisting them and all family members they dragged along from ever obtaining citizenship. If your seeking citizenship or asylum do it right. If your breaking our laws and costing us time , resources and money your out forever. If your protesting, its your right, but not one of you is offering any viable solution are you? My relatives waited 25 years for a visa, why should these people get it any easier?
Less than a week ago, the editor of the Garden Island promised to present both sides of political issues. Where is the other side on this issue? It’s clear Mr Buley has sympathies with the marchers. So much for balance.
hutch, I can guarantee you they DID NOT present both sides.
It is documented how they behaved.
Aloha Kakou,
Keeping families together is VERY important, no matter where the families and parents and children may be.
The families (Grandparents, and many or one of the Parents, Aunties, Uncles, nieces. nephews, cousins, and lifetime friends) of these (undocumented) detainees of any age, those families are still South of the Border and are in Mexico, Central, and South America.
Reuniting these families requires those undocumented family members in the USA, to be sent back to where they come from and where they will be together with their families…end of story…? NOT REALLY…! ! !
If these illegals continue to flood our nation un-documented, what it means is that, these people, the parents and the workable age group of young teens and older youth here in the USA, the majority of their USA earnings are sent back South of the Border from Mexico through Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama), and all of South America. And…
The money sent South is not taxed by Federal and State governments; this un-taxed money $$$ is the same as DRUG $$$, it’s un-taxed. And while the drug money goes to the Drug Cartels, the family money goes to families; except we are already giving our own US tax dollars to almost all of these countries.
Don’t get the people, the people saying send the illegals and their kids back, wrong. What they are saying is send them back and lets cause documentation and therefore taxation of the existing 12,000,000 illegals in our country. And let’s move forward and faster in processing LEGAL IMMIGRATION, where all who enter the USA for Work Permits, Jobs, Study, Residency, or Citizenship, etc., become DOCUMENTED and pay their fair share of the taxes.
Vetting, or investigating, new legal arrivals can weed out criminals, and protect the rest of us.
If illegals don’t pay their taxes, they still use many visible and unseen public services, God forbid they come to use the Welfare System, because if they don’t pay their share of the taxes, then we the Americans, our taxes have to go up to pay for those who don’t pay. Don’t we all pay enough taxes already to have to add more taxes to provide for illegal undocumented foreigners.
And why would anyone consider a foreigner to be privileged, illegal or otherwise, to not have to pay their share of taxes.
And before we take care of foreign kids, let’s re-unite American kids with both parents.
There are too many American kids separated from their birth parents and grandparents, etc., because of parent separation, divorce, incarceration for marijuana and other non-turpitude offenses, and other unreasonable reasons, and even military obligations (military parents should be allowed a reasonable amount of time off to be with their kids no matter where they are stationed on earth). Full planes go every day to military destinations, they do not need to return empty; they should carry parents home on reasonable leave from their military post.
America’s Kids 1st, Foreign kids 2nd.
Let’s Make America’s Kids Great Again, by letting them bond and learn from their birth parents; then, let’s help the legal documented others.
Shake my head, Trump Derangement Syndrome here on Kauai. These people are so misinformed. Again, these were policies from past administrations, especially from his highness Obummer. Just, shaking my head already.
The responses from those who oppose the march and the story in today’s paper are misinformed and sadly egocentric in their views. First of all, the paper DOES present both sides of issues, but this event was a protest march. Why would the paper present another side when they’re just reporting on an action taken on the island.? Also, it wasn’t orchestrated and wasn’t hateful. It was meant to inform the public of a particular view point popular throughout the country. Secondly, no one is saying our borders shouldn’t be secure – just that the process should not separate children from their families. Thirdly, can’t you put yourselves in another person’s shoes? Even the President realized the separation was inappropriate and is attempting to change the process, so don’t be so worried about grabbing your portion and learn to share prosperity, health, well-being and aloha.
Your protests in Kauai are ridiculous! All of the organizers featured are from CALIFORNIA! Take your bleeding heart California Liberalism and GO HOME! We don’t want or need your forced views to further infect our peace loving Kauai vibe. Why don’t all of you come together and protest the condition of our schools, libraries, traffic issues, low wages, cost of living, lack of opportunity for HAWAIIANS & local workers etc. News flash — Kauai is having an election! Go back to California kooks, we are tired of you driving up our cost of living and asserting your extreme liberal views on us while doing nothing for the community but perpetuating hate.
“Kauai’s message: ‘We care” Is far from True.
Many (a majority) of these people at the “Protest” “Rally” WERE HATEFUL They Screamed Obscenities they had “F” Trump signs that kids could see from the road. If this “Reporter” was truly at the rally they would have reported on what was truly going on at the “Rally”. It was a Trump Hate Fest. All they did was Scream “F” Trump “Dump Trump” it was not about children and families separated it was about the Democratic Socialism Agenda and A Trump Hate Festival. There is documentation of this FACT.
” Why would the paper present another side when they’re just reporting on an action taken on the island.? ”
If they were there: The Garden Island missed a GREAT Story, or did they just censor it.
Because there were Trump supporters supporting the children at the Trump Hate Fest documenting it. The Trump Hate Fest Participants Screamed at them “F” You “Dump Trump” “F” Trump, calling them every name in the book. The Trump haters harassed the supporters the entire time: 2 hours… How did the reporter not see this? There was not 500 people there. It was a low turnout. The Hateful Anti Trump Protesters surrounded the other participants who happened to be Trump supporters “like sharks” SCREAMING at them. There is video of their actions. This was not about coming together for the children it was about hating Trump. This is a free country and the video is on facebook .. 2 hours of it unedited. So hateful the women were screaming at Black Trump Supporters, & so violently spit was frothing from their mouth.
Keep America Great Love One Another Stop the Hate.