KAPAA — Ten years of the Kauai Mayor-a-thon is a milestone, and a reason to bring out a bunch of new things for the more than 1,200 participants who rolled out to the Kapaa Beach Park, fronting Ke Ala Hele Makalae.
KAPAA — Ten years of the Kauai Mayor-a-thon is a milestone, and a reason to bring out a bunch of new things for the more than 1,200 participants who rolled out to the Kapaa Beach Park, fronting Ke Ala Hele Makalae.
The free shuttle service from the North Shore and the Westside came with the electric buses that are now rolling on Kauai’s highways as a test. There was also an electric scooter (not for children, the representative said) to lessen the carbon footprint, and to keep everyone happy, samples of Happy Coffee to go along with the Kauai Coffee, which has been with the event since its start.
There was a new Project Blue Line talking about climate change and, using photographs, charting the projected areas that will be under water with sea level rise.
Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. helped break the “Electric Slide” record with 278 people participating in the gliding dance number, and Wilcox Health had its Blender Bike running. Carolyn Inouye was joined by Sarah Tadiarca, Lilly Olivas, Noreen Steinmetz and Hilda Javinar in the winner’s circle.
Kanoe Arinaga, Chantal Rego and Sarah Dooley were winners of the Kaiser Permanente prize giveaways.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.