Please, use the crosswalks
Please, use the crosswalks
Driving through Kapaa the other morning (as usual) four rather portly tourist ladies charged across the street from between parked vans. I had to brake so hard that my little Chihuahua got thrown onto the floor.
I told these ladies to use the crosswalks, it’s only a few yards away. One gave me the finger.
Could you please remind our visitors that jaywalking is a fineable offense. Please advise Country Kitchen to advise their patrons not to dodge into the traffic. Someone is going to get mowed.
Perhaps if they got fined a few times the word would get out.
Carla Harringer, Kapaa
Drivers, please use your brains
Dear drivers who make an unauthorized left turn onto Nohou Street when exiting the Safeway plaza, thereby endangering my life and the life of my two precious dogs:
Please stop. Naturally you’re not using a signal when you do this (certainly can’t indicate your intention to break the law) so at least once a week — often more — I am “almost hit” while riding my bicycle or walking my dogs by that exit. I realize this illegal turn likely saves you 15-30 seconds of important time but I’m hoping to live another 30-40 years and you’re unwillingness to adhere to the conditions you agreed to when obtaining your driver’s license is putting me and my beautiful dogs at risk.
It’s a tad thoughtless. Sadly, we don’t live in a country where we get to capriciously choose which laws we follow and which we don’t. (Yet.) Please obey the rules of the road.
Philip Steinbacher, Lihue